Monday, March 8, 2010

Chicken Pot Pie

This is a good recipe using left over chicken and whatever leftover bits of veggies you have in the fridge. Today I was low on chicken(a certain man...Stevie...raided the leftover chicken in the fridge) so we had more veggies and less meat in this pot pie!! It is also best when you use homemade chicken stock!! I used to dread this task....but no more!!! I have found a super easy way to making chicken stock...the crockpot!!! Just dump some chicken pieces or bones, some onion(peels and all), carrots and enough water to cover all into the crockpot and forget it...let it go all day or all night. Stain and you have perfect, yummy stock!!

4 cups chicken stock
1 small onion chopped
mixture of crunchy veggies(carrot, potato, celery, etc)
4T melted butter
4 T flour
mixture of tender veggies(peas, asparagus, squash, etc)
3-4 cups chopped chicken
1/2 cup sour cream
1 sheet puff pastry(thawed according to package directions)

Start onion and crunchy veggies in a small amount of oil, cook for a few minutes and then add about 1 cup of stock. Cook in high heat, softening the veggies and reducing the stock down. When stock is almost all gone add the remaining 3 cups of stock. Mix together the melted butter and flour in a small bowl or cup. Wisk the flour mixture into the simmering stock. The liquid should be very thick, if it is not, continue cooking until it reduces and thickens. When thick add the tender veggies, cooked chicken and sour cream, stir together until well combined and turn off heat. Let cool while the frozen puff pastry defrosts. Place chicken mixture into a 9x11 pan, top with thawed puff pastry, brush top with beaten egg and bake at 375 until golden brown.

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